
I'm nothing but a sperm and an egg

Sometimes I just can't believe one egg and a sperm is all that's needed (of course with the help of a place for them to grow) for a human life to be created. Some questions have never been answered since the dawn of time.. oh.. well that's one of the questions that needs answers.. when did time actually come into being? A lot of theoretical research has been done and I don't know how many more lifetimes are required for humans to find life's answers. So, why the heck are we here? This is one of the major questions that have a million answers based on the interests of the person who's giving the answers. One general very dumb (my opinion) answer is "Well.. we're here for a reason". This "reason" is also like life, just gets more form and shape as life goes on.. Some people don't even find the reason for which they are here in a lifetime. Some actually find reasons everyday. Some just have a single reason to live, some are just plain confused with all these reasons brushing past them .. One standard reason to live that many people agree upon is for happiness in whichever form. Be happy as far as you are alive. Well.. I guess its time for me to be philosophical.

1 comment:

Ponnarasi Kothandaraman said...


Found you from my old archives :) How s u?? Long time no c???

I decided not 2 make any serious thinking for sometime! :P But still I have my own questn after reading ur post ;)

//Be happy as far as you are alive.// But how??? :D