
Of Pirates, Chip valleys, Jobs & Fortune

Have any of you watched "Pirates of the Silicon Valley"? I really didn't know there was such a movie until my friend Dinesh showed it to me last weekend. Previously I'd tried to read Bill Gates' biography or do you call it autobiography? Never got to more than 2 pages.. Then, I'd heard of Steve Jobs too (and fascinated that he was behind Apple Computers & talked about karma). Well, eventhough I was skeptical when I first started to see the movie as soon as I started watching the lives of two very important guys in the last 3 decades maybe, It really kept me hooked. For some reason (maybe that's not so unknown among the industry), I liked Steve Jobs better, maybe because he was more of the fighter type than Bill Gates who was the more of the successful/lucky type. There might be people who completely disagree with me.. but as far as I saw, and have heard and read.. just off the top of my head I think that.
And I had to write this blog mainly because I was blown off, by some of the presentations that Steve Jobs had done previously. For example, I think the 1991(I think the year might be a bit off) presentation for the Next Computers' OS. He was describing about features that are part of MacOSX now! And I especially loved the part where he runs Lotus 123 in DOS (in the OS itself) and uses a /f command in the command line interface in Lotus and comments "great user interface" (or somethin' like that) with sarcasm. The other reason was the commencement speech at Stanford in 2005 which was quite inspiring atleast for me. It was surely interesting looking into the lives of both Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. More interesting was the relationship between them. Eventhough I am not sure how far there is truth in that movie, I would recommend watching "Pirates of the Silicon Valley" for anyone who wants an inside look on the lives of both the gentlemen.

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